
Sunday 1 December 2013

Better late than never to start writing

It all started with 'Do u blog?' 'What is your blog URL?'. That is when I realized that there is something called a blog and people express themselves there.

So here I go with my first post after my friend's insisted that I should start writing. Well, what do is write about myself. I was born and brought up in Bangalore and that is also one reason why I love the city so much. I can never think of spending my life in any other city. Bangalore means HOME to me.

As a kid, I used to be very shy, quiet and introvert. I would find it difficult to make friend's, well, I find it difficult even now. But my college life changed me completely. I became a stronger person and an extrovert.
Excelled in academics throughout my life which happened after a life changing event when I failed in my Kannada class test in class 4. I never saw failure after that till the day of my CA IPCC (Chartered Accountancy inter level) results came out where I failed in one subject which led me to write the entire group again. To give u a brief about the inter course, there are 7 subjects divided into 2 groups with 4 and 3 subjects respectively. Well, enough of my studies, I do not want to prove myself a nerd or very intelligent.

I am very emotional and sentimental but everyone around me will never get to know that unless I allow them to know. I always have a smile on my face, now it's up to the person to know if it is true or a fake one. I do not want to reveal much about myself in the first post so wait and watch, I may end up writing those things I could never ever share with anyone else.


  1. Nice to know that you started writing. Its quite difficult to play with words intelligently. However, one has to make a first step to climb the ladder.

    All the very best for your future articles..! Hope you bring up some interesting ones.

  2. Thank you for the appreciation Siddharth and Amit :)
